six wishes for 2024 (3/6): authority

As a consultant1, I’m used to people asking me for my view, opinion, or advice. At the same time, I’m painfully aware that on most issues I’m commenting on, I’m not an authority. My clients usually are better experts in their fields of business, have a more comprehensive perspective on their goals and targets, and know their employees, suppliers, customers, and other interested parties much more deeply than I ever will. Still, they engage me to help them solve their problems, because they seek out my authority not in the “what”, but in the “how”. When working with them, I recommend the best paths and methods to solve their specific problems – all the time keeping in mind that it’s their problems, not mine. Therefore, when the collaboration is going smoothly, they fully own their “what” while taking my guidance on the “how”.

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six wishes for 2024 (2/6): solidarity

In the story of Billy Elliot1, the miner’s son who takes an interest in classical ballet and – despite his fathers initial resistance – ends up successfully auditioning for the Royal Ballet School2, there’s a scene where Billy almost gives up on his auditioning plan because of the family’s lack of funds. For a moment, Billy’s father considers breaking the miners’ strike, but then a much bigger solution emerges: All miners join forces and give whatever little money they have in order to finance Billy’s audition. In this magical moment, solidarity – the miners’ credo from the first act – and individuality – Billy’s dream of becoming a classical ballet dancer – merge into one.

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six wishes for 2024 (1/6): routine

Every morning and every evening, I brush my teeth1. Being honest with myself, this is the only daily routine that I truly, consistenly follow each and every single day of my life. Whenever I read about highly successful CEOs who get up at 3:12am every morning to do 108 minutes of vipassana meditation, followed by an hour of swimming at triathletic performance levels, topped with a thorough runthrough of the major news channels from all five continents, and garnished with a regionally sourced, vegan breakfast in the loving company of their seven teenage children and caring husband2, I feel like a sleazy sluggard.

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